Simon Grennan
Softcover |13.84 x 1.4 x 21.34 cm | 176 pp
Bloomsbury | 2022 | 9781350265936
This accessible book explains the significance of relationships between the body and the mark, visual imitation, drawing and writing and visual storytelling, providing a simple guide to these key ideas. For millennia drawing has been conceived as an exploratory activity, mediating between the vision of the drafter and what they are drawing. Drawing reveals hidden relationships, directs attention, scrutinises the material world and provides plans for further action.
The book unpacks the key ideas that have shaped the rich, complex and foundational activity of drawing. It presents an unexpected, engaging and authoritative range of illustrated examples of drawings made by culturally and historically diverse people for different purposes, with different media, in widely different times and situations.
Educator, author and artist Simon Grennan builds together concepts to create a complete guide to ideas about drawing.
What is drawing?
1. Imitation
The threshold of visualisation and the problem of media / Depiction and visualisation / Imitating vision and imitating drawing / Digital imitation / Analogue imitation / Imitating experience
2. Mark
Tone / Line / Planning / Mapping / Drawing systems representing three dimensions / Typification / Writing / Mark making across media / Introducing the body
3. Trace
The surface / The surface of the drawing as the skin of a body / The surface as a visualisation of an idea /The limits of the drawing / The significance drawing media /
Trace as evidence / Trace, media and body / Trace and style / Movement, mind and absence / Choreographing traces / Trace and depiction
4. Story
Story and point of view / The story of the drawing / Story and style / Drawing style and character
5. Drawing today
Feeling / Technology old and new / Systematic drawings / Identity and power / Textiles and the line / Conjecture and hypothesis / Collaborative drawing / Performing drawing / Moving drawings / Contemporary drawing and public cultural institutions