Jason Tselentis
Softcover | 22.9 x 1.6 x 22.9 cm | 208 pp
Rockport | 2011 | 9781592536740
The average person sees thousands of words each day that are put into the environment by typographers, designers and artisans. But, why do we need more typefaces? How should a designer use those typefaces in order to stay true to typographers’ intentions, as well as the message? And, what principles should designers follow at the planning and design stages? Type, Form & Function answers these questions and more by dissecting the mechanics of typography, giving graphic designers the information to communicate their message more effectively through type – an essential reference for layout and design.
Chapter 1: FORM covers type anatomy with a spectrum of examples designed for text and display uses.
Chapter 2: COMPOSITION demonstrates the formal devices that designers employ for layout.
Chapter 3: PRINCIPLES reveals details that focus on the nuances of layout, colour, and readability.
Chapter 4: EXPERIMENTATION showcases painstakingly created letterforms and designs that defy conventional thinking about typography.